For three Border Patrol agents working a remote desert checkpoint, the contents of one car will reveal an insidious plot within their own ranks. The next 24 hours will take them on a treacherous journ...
G.J. Echternkamp tells the story of his relationship with his parents, his mother Cindy (Russo) and his step-father, Frank (Platt). Frank used to be a member of OXO, a band from the '80s whose one hit...
夢想成為歌手的搖滾青年斯科特(邁克爾·塞拉 Michael Cera 配音)有一支樂隊幾個死黨和一段不堪回首的戀情,他深愛的前女友安維·亞當(dāng)斯(布麗·拉爾森 Brie Larson 配音)被自己崇拜的同行橫刀奪愛。正當(dāng)悲觀的他陷入了深深的感情陰影中無法自拔時,高中生少女 奈福斯·周(愛倫·王 Ellen Wong 配音)和夢中情人拉蒙娜·花(瑪麗·伊麗莎白·文斯蒂德 Mary Elizabeth ...